The Story of the Sun Flower and the Lotus

In winter of 2007 we had more trees go down. On particular tree fell across Ring Hill Road near my studio. After they cut back the tree and reopened the road there was a perfect installation site available. The first design was “Sun” and then one day it was gone. Where abouts unknown. I re-did the installation with “Lotus” and while I was installing it the person on whose property it is came out and told me about the person who came to her door to ask about the “Sun” installation and wondered if he could buy it. She mentioned that she didn’t know anything about it or who did it. So, apparently he tacked a note to the piece which I never noticed and it is assumed that the person decided to “acquire” the piece himself. In any case, as of this date “Sun” is gone and “Lotus” is in it’s place.